The future of hunting
Article Abstract:
Experts are of the view that hunting in America faces lots of challenges due to scarcity of people aspiring to become hunters, and increasingly limited access to hunting lands. Doug Painter, the executive director of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a lobbying arm of the hunting industry, however is optimistic about hunting's future, saying that he could see signs of the hunting industry recognizing the problems and making efforts to do something about them.
Publication Name: Field & Stream (West ed.)
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 8755-8610
Year: 2003
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Article Abstract:
The non-resident hunter is surprised and hurt when they encounter nonresident prejudice, the attitude that it is just not right when someone from out-of-state gets a trophy that could have gone to a local. They argue that each nonresident hunter pays more than each resident sportsman to fund a state's wildlife programs and so they deserve to take whichever buck they hunt.
Publication Name: Field & Stream (West ed.)
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 8755-8610
Year: 2003
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Summer survival
Article Abstract:
Things get slow for anglers and hunters during summer and most of them pass the off-season preparing themselves for the forthcoming season. The restlessness experienced by a hunter during the off-season is narrated.
Publication Name: Field & Stream (West ed.)
Subject: Sports and fitness
ISSN: 8755-8610
Year: 2003
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- Abstracts: The immutable laws of shooting. The sporting look. The American shotgun
- Abstracts: The principles of putting. Raise the wrist
- Abstracts: The best of the best. Split personality. 'Wildfire' rages
- Abstracts: The cult of skiing. Why this year won't suck. Bring your friends
- Abstracts: Take the pressure off. Graceful exit. Just one of the boys