Power of sale
Article Abstract:
Point-of-sale (POS) technology is continually improving to support the food service industry in terms of inventory, control, accounting, personnel records, and profit calculations, among other operational paperwork. With the POS system, customer orders are fed through the computer directly to the kitchen, the cashier and the back office. Food service establishments gain the advantage of between 1-percent to 5-percent reduction in food costs. Further improvements are being done in the system to make significant improvements in efficiency and cost-saving.
World: Point-of-sale technology is continually improving to support food service industry
Publication Name: Foodservice & Hospitality
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0007-8972
Year: 1998
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Falling star
Article Abstract:
Planet Hollywood Inc refuses to close down for business despite its current financial difficulties. The entertainment company has already received a substantial cash infusion from two of its major investors and a trust that benefits the children of president and COO Robert Earle. In addition, a restructuring program has been developed to help the company return to profitability. The restructuring includes closing down some of its 80 themed restaurants and selling its other holdings to allow the company to focus on its core business.
Publication Name: Foodservice & Hospitality
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0007-8972
Year: 1999
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The future of food
Article Abstract:
The so-called genetically modified or genetically engineered foods, or foods made through the manipulation of plants or animals' genes, are being opposed by many in the food industry for the reason that genetically engineered animals and plants would emerge as the lone alternative, eliminating conventional stocks. At present, Canada has reportedly about 70 varieties of GE foods that include potatoes, squash and wheat, among others.
Publication Name: Foodservice & Hospitality
Subject: Travel industry
ISSN: 0007-8972
Year: 1999
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