Sudden impact: driving the electric car
Article Abstract:
GM's battery-powered Impact is leading the race toward state-mandated zero emission vehicles, but a test drive finds the technology lacking in many ways. Problems include limited range, short battery life, new driving skills and expectations required, and recharging safety.
Publication Name: The Economist (UK)
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0013-0613
Year: 1992
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Electric shockers
Article Abstract:
British Rail's new "225" electric trains have proved disastrous since their launch last year. Mechanical breakdowns and power failures have caused a horrible on-time record, and other problems make the trains very uncomfortable.
Publication Name: The Economist (UK)
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0013-0613
Year: 1992
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Driving ambitions
Article Abstract:
Allgemeiner Deustcher Automobil Club has become one of the largest providers of automobile insurance in Germany. However, ADAC plans to limit its services to financial services associated with driving.
Publication Name: The Economist (UK)
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0013-0613
Year: 1993
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