Uncommon sense: lean manufacturing speeds cycle time to improve low-volume production at Hughes
Article Abstract:
Hughes Aircraft Co. Space and Communications Group (HSC) discovered that its modular production approach, coupled with its emphasis on work-in-process, adversely affected productivity. Consequently, the company decided to develop a new 'lean manufacturing' system to increase productivity and quality. The new system allowed HSC to reduce manufacturing costs by 50%, shorten cycle times by ten-fold, increase asset productivity by as much as 250% and enhance quality by 50%. A discussion of HSC's successful 'lean manufacturing' approach was presented.
Publication Name: National Productivity Review
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0277-8556
Year: 1995
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Student Perceptions of Questionable Personal Selling Practices
Article Abstract:
It has been found that students are dissatisfied with business and free enterprise. These attitudes may come from misinformed perceptions. Ethical perceptions of students toward personal selling practices are examined. Student responses were surprising. The students did not perceive the presented situations as unethical. Males viewed situations as more ethical than did females. Thus the study results do not duplicate or reflect the negative student attitudes toward business accounted for in other studies.
Publication Name: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Subject: Business
ISSN: 0092-0703
Year: 1984
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