The Many Models of CAR: Tools of Automation - Part II
Article Abstract:
Computer-assisted retrieval (CAR) is the process of using computer-stored indexes to locate hard copy records. CAR systems can organize data stored on microfilm, microfiche, aperture cards, radiographs, and-or electronic media formats. A records management department should be organized to administer the system and should have authority to implement and enforce new records policies. This review of CAR and effective records management includes a checklist of factors to determine a firm's record management needs and the scope of the CAR to be installed.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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Artificial Intelligence: The Next Big Step in Automation
Article Abstract:
Several aspects of artificial intelligence will likely dominate office environments. These include voice recognition, expert systems and natural language systems. Expert systems will supplement human decision making. Natural language systems allow communication with computers using standard English.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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