Memo: Justifying OA Costs
Article Abstract:
Because of the growing complexity of automated office systems, proving their cost effectiveness is difficult. 'Methods of Cost- Benefit Analysis for Office Systems' is method of analyzing by levels. At the first level, the performance of machines is measured. At the second level, individual performance in relation to the machine is analyzed. Next is the performance of departments in relation to systems, and at the fourth level is the corporate performance.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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Memo: Graphics Boom
Article Abstract:
By 1985 the graphics market will have grown to $6 billion. Mechanical computer-aided design (CAD) will account for twenty- two per cent of the market in 1985 and electronic CAD for nineteen per cent. The main problems are the lack of graphics software programmers and of software for the management of large databases that are necessary for the effective use of graphics capabilities.
Publication Name: Office Administration and Automation
Subject: Computers and office automation industries
ISSN: 0745-4325
Year: 1984
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