Lose the waste, get lean
Article Abstract:
Companies must be able to implement a lean business system to survive the global competition that demands higher quality, faster delivery and lower price. The lean business system must be done not only at the manufacturing level but at all levels of the organization. The company must have a plan, which is based on the company's vision, to reduce wastes from all processes. The company can use the value-stream mapping tool to analyze the processes from start to finish. However, the company must also be able to handle the problems that will arise due to the successful implementation of the system.
Publication Name: Quality
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-9936
Year: 1999
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Learning to lead a virtual team
Article Abstract:
A virtual team, a cross-functional Internet-based team, is formed to achieve faster results without actual human interaction. The virtual team leader should guard against a broken rapport and realize that the key to management of a virtual team lies in proper communication. Dealing with conflict early and fairly and familiarizing the members with the qroupware also plays an important role in the success of a virtual team.
Publication Name: Quality
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-9936
Year: 1999
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