Minimize employee resistance to change by focusing on human side
Article Abstract:
Although change is inevitable, many people are uncomfortable with it, and change in the workplace is often resisted. A study has shown that employee resistance can be a major barrier to change, although some employees cite lack of management visibility as a major barrier to change. Suzanne Zoglio, author of Teams at Work: 7 Keys to Success, believes that resistance to change could be reduced by concentrating on the human side, by first looking at the reasons for resistance and making sure ideas for change are communicated.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1997
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Motorola brings fairy tales to life
Article Abstract:
Motorola's thrust for quality progress has been the driving force behind the Total Customer Satisfaction (TCS) worldwide competition, which has been successful in enhancing team cooperation. An estimated $2.4 billion a year has been generated for this quality program, allowing the company to remain competitive despite annual price increases of its products. Twenty four teams from the US, Europe, and Asia participated in the 1997 TCS competition, which was won by the Green Tray Packers team from Boynton Beach, FL.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1997
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