Portable unit to control power-plant mercury
Article Abstract:
ADA Environmental Solutions (ADA-ES) of Littleton, CO, is about to start the field-testing of mercury emission controls for coal-burning power plants. The study aims to develop and test a portable mercury-control system on four different power plant configurations that use electrostatic precipitators or fabric filters to remove particulates. The work will be conducted by ADA-ES in partnership with PG and E National Energy Group, Wisconsin Electric Power Co, the Electric Power Research Institute and another utility, with funding from the Dept of Energy.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2000
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Study finds outplaced managers upbeat
Article Abstract:
A study released by Drake Beam Morin Inc, a Boston firm that provides outplacement services concludes that job loss that not necessarily lead to extreme stress, family strife, financial ruin and strained relationships. The study adds that majority of respondents surveyed did not greatly fear long-term unemployment and are not overly stressed-out. The respondents were 3,000 outplaced people from 18 countries, of whom majority were middle managers and senior executives between 30 and 50 years old.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2001
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Understand particle-size distributions when testing filter media
Article Abstract:
A method for converting the volume distribution of siliceous dusts used in testing filter media into a number distribution by making calculations with the log-normal distribution is described. Controversy still exists over the exact distribution of siliceous dust particles used in evaluating filter media. The standard developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology uses medium-grade dust suspended in hydraulic oil with a certified number distribution.
Publication Name: Chemical Engineering Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0360-7275
Year: 2000
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