The customer-focused quality leader
Article Abstract:
Customer-focused quality is above all the task of a company's leadership. A Forum Corp study shows a customer-focused quality srategy is adopted when a leader has a strong commitment to it as a philosophy for operations or as a solution to losses stemming from competition or customer dissatisfaction. For a company to imbibe this philosophy, leaders' lives need to express this belief in quality and conveying this commitment to the organization must be a priority. Their policies must reflect devotion to their clientele, cultivate team spirit among employees and keep the company focused on long-term aims.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1992
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Plastic injection molding presents unique quality challenges
Article Abstract:
Improving quality in the increasingly competitive business of plastic injection molding requires a complete reorganization of the traditional relationships between plastic molders and original equipment manufacturers. (OEMs) Molders and OEMs must cooperate earlier in the product design process and take a comprehensive approach to continuous quality control. OEMs and molders need to share the common goal of customer satisfaction and act as if they were departments of a single organization.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1993
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