I.B.M. forms alliance against NEC in Japan
Article Abstract:
IBM forms alliances with 11 Japanese computer manufacturers in an effort to challenge NEC Corp's dominance in the Japanese computer industry. NEC controls about 50 percent of the Japanese computer market, which is otherwise fragmented with manufacturers unable to agree on an alternative to NEC. IBM is embarking on a new strategy for Japan and is allowing compatibility with its Japanese machines for the first time. The number one US computer maker is taking a risky path in forming the alliances since one of its major selling points has always been that it can exploit the worldwide software applications for IBM computers. IBM's market share has been stuck at around 10 percent in the Japanese computer market for some time and the company decided the risk was necessary.
Publication Name: The New York Times
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0362-4331
Year: 1991
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Compaq set to invade Japan market
Article Abstract:
Compaq Computer Corp plans to enter the Japanese portable computer market and begin marketing Japanese-language versions of its computers in 1992. Compaq enters the market at a disadvantage, arriving late, with products that are relatively expensive and unknown to the Japanese. Compaq currently controls 37 percent of the global market for notebook computers w, but the computer manufacturer has ignored the Japanese market. According to COO Eckhard Pfeiffer, the change to 'open systems' - computers that can run in various computing environments - alters the balance in the Japanese computer market and makes the timing right for Compaq to move. Compaq hires Masuru Murai, formerly with IBM, to head the company's operations in Japan.
Publication Name: The New York Times
Subject: News, opinion and commentary
ISSN: 0362-4331
Year: 1991
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