Be a sport - but do you really need those trainers?
Article Abstract:
Researchers at Reebok's research laboratory in Boston, MA, believe that it is important to wear a well-fitting trainer to undertake many different sports. With proper footwear, greater protection is obtained from injuries such as shin splints. The laboratory includes a gym, where real athletes can be used to assess the performance of prototype trainers. Staff at the laboratory believe that the new Reebok DMX Series 2000 is a running shoe which will meet each wearer's individual requirements.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1997
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Pupil power
Article Abstract:
Pupils at Fairfield Junior school in Plymouth, England, are being given the opportunity to become extensively involved in how the school is managed. They 'own' the discipline system, choosing and negotiating their own rules, and even have a say in the selection of new teachers. They have been taught mediation skills, and have learned to request 'rights' for responsibilities. The school principal emphasises that this approach is empowering pupils, rather than pupil power.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1996
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Your first baby: you must be so happy ... mustn't you?
Article Abstract:
Many people experience very mixed emotions following the birth of their first child. Outsiders assume that the parents will be overjoyed, but this is not necessarily the case, especially for the mother. Growing awareness of this problem prompted the founding of Right from the Start, a pilot scheme which aims to help first-time parents around Hengoed in South Wales. It uses volunteer 'community parents' whose main task is to raise parents' self-esteem.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1996
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