Juicy pickings if you can get it right
Article Abstract:
Many emerging markets suffered a dramatic decline as a result of the economic and currency crisis in Mexico. However, the Mexican market has now risen 30-40% from its lowest point, and others are starting to recover too. There are very good prospects for further rises, and observers expect that the Mexican market, for example, will have doubled from its lowest point by the end of 1995. For the private investor, the only practical way of entering emerging markets is through an emergig market unit or investment trust.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1995
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Disclosure fails to dent sales of life insurance
Article Abstract:
The life insurance industry was very concerned that compulsory disclosure of costs to customers purchasing life insurance and pensions would damage business. However, initial reports indicate that demand for life insurance remains strong and that people are not being deterred by details of how much of the premium payment goes to meet the costs of the brokers and insurance companies.
Publication Name: The Independent
Subject: Retail industry
ISSN: 0951-9467
Year: 1995
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