Cave structure boosts Neandertal image
Article Abstract:
The discovery of an artificial structure deep inside a French cavern suggests that Neandertals were more sophistocated than commonly believed. The building of the structure would have required more than the rudimentary language skills and knowledge of fire than scientists believe Neadertals possess.
Publication Name: Science
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0036-8075
Year: 1996
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Masters and slaves in an Iron Age cave?
Article Abstract:
A 2,800-year-old burial site in a cave near Boussac, France, reveals two distinct social classes among those buried. Three skeletons have metal jewelry, which may indicate their elite status. The rest are unadorned and may have been servants or slaves.
Publication Name: Science
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0036-8075
Year: 1995
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Did Homo erectus tame fire first?
Article Abstract:
Evidence from an archaeological site in a sea cave on the coast of Brittany indicates that the controlled use of fire dates back to the time of Homo erectus, about 450,000 years ago. Electron spin resonance technique was used in the dating process.
Publication Name: Science
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0036-8075
Year: 1995
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