EU proposes tighter rules on ozone depleters
Article Abstract:
The European Commission has proposed banning ozone depleting substances methyl bromide and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) earlier than what is called for under the UN Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. EC wants to ban methyl bromide, mostly used as pesticide for cash crops, in the European Union by 2001, instead of 2005 as called for in the Montreal pact. Also, the use of HCFCs in new refrigeration and air conditioning equipment would be banned by 2001, in insulation foams sometime between 2003 and 2004, and in solvents by 2003.
EU: European Commission proposes banning ozone depleters earlier than what is called for in the Montreal Protocol
Publication Name: Environmental Science & Technology
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0013-936X
Year: 1998
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Kinetics and mechanisms of Pb(II) sorption and desorption at the aluminum oxide-water interface
Article Abstract:
The absorption and desorption of Pb(II) on aluminum oxide (gamma-Al2O3) in an aqueous environment was shown to follow an inner-sphere bidentate bonding mechanism that initially proceeds at a fast pace followed by a slow phase, with the fast phase accounting for 76% of the absorption of lead into the aluminum oxide surface. Lead desorption efficiency can reach as high as 98% under acidic conditions and was also found to be reversible.
Publication Name: Environmental Science & Technology
Subject: Science and technology
ISSN: 0013-936X
Year: 1998
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