Conservation commandments; ten things planners should do for conservation on their patch
Article Abstract:
It is suggested that to start becoming aware of conservation needs town planning officers should have a strong knowledge of their area. The information needed includes a list of empty buildings and land, and know which buildings have been listed. A local award scheme and conservation area status can also be useful. Local amenity societies can provide vital information. All developments should include housing to aid conservation. Local plans should have an element of conservation in them.
Publication Name: Planner
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0309-1384
Year: 1993
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Nature conservation and environmental impact; strategic issues in minerals planning
Article Abstract:
In early 1992 a mining company were refused planning permission to mine coal from Gateshead in northern England. Permission was refused because of the likely impact on the community, and loss of amenity from the effect on local landscape and the environment. There were already sand, gravel and coal mines in the area. The site was also the biggest area of rural land in the county. The decision was a victory for the local community who had vigorously fought the proposal.
Publication Name: Planner
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0309-1384
Year: 1993
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