Horse and Rabbit Meat Markets - Possible Outlets for Exporters in Developing Countries
Article Abstract:
The market in rabbit and horse meat may be promising to developing countries' suppliers according to certain surveys. The local output of rabbit meat will probably not match demand for some time even though domestic production has increased in some areas. The same situation applies to horse meat production and demand. Marketing these products requires adherence to the health and veterinary laws of importing nations. Rural sector earnings could be inproved through rabbit meat marketing, as rabbits do not eat food which could be used for human consumption and they are superior food convertors. From 1977 to 1981 yearly world imports of rabbit were more than sixty thousand tons, and horse meat imports were in the neighborhood of a quarter million tons yearly. In 1977, the price of horse meat was about one- third less than beef, but by 1981, the price of the two meats was just about the same. Italy is the foremost importer of rabbit meat.
Publication Name: International Trade Forum
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0020-8957
Year: 1983
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Meat and poultry
Article Abstract:
It is predicted UK sales of processed meat products will continue to grow between 1998-2001, whilst sales of unprocessed meat products will decline. Sales of meat and poultry products were worth some 12,367 million pounds sterling in 1998. Some 72.1% of volume sales of meat and poultry products were from supermarkets whilst independent butchers took 16.7% share of the market. There are some 1,250 different companies supplying meat and poultry products. The poultry market was worth 2.2 billion pounds sterling in 1997 compared to sales valued at 3.4 billion pounds sterling for veal and beef.
Publication Name: Market Research Great Britain
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 0308-3047
Year: 1999
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MIGA protects investments in developing countries
Article Abstract:
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) offers political risk insurance programs and private insurance plans covering investments in its 95 member developing countries. MIGA provides insurance plans against the event of war, revolution or any civil disturbances, breach of contract, currency transfer and expropriation. The agency also offers consultative services and advises investors from developing countries on foreign business opportunities.
Publication Name: Global Trade
Subject: Business, international
ISSN: 1060-0906
Year: 1992
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