A blueprint for document control: how to develop, maintain and improve the system
Article Abstract:
A document control system ensures that information is available to users, up-to-date, altered in a controlled way, approved by proper authority, monitored and archived. Basic requirements to properly control a document should be detailed in a procedure. The key elements of a system for document control include identification of the need for documentation, periodic auditing and resources to support the actions required to implement and maintain quality system documentation. The main factors in assessing documentation needs are business goals, regulatory mandates and customer requirements. Effective quality system documentation is determined by management's allocation of appropriate resources and active involvement.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2000
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Planning for knowledge management: how your company can benefit from using the right information at the right time
Article Abstract:
Proper knowledge management (KM) allows employees at all levels of a company to gain access to the information they require to undertake their own work. It also plays a role in fulfilling the company's overall aims. KM can be seen as the ability to supply relatively rapidly the information that allows any employee to make the best informed decision. A company's culture must actively support the collection and spreading of information and the use of knowledge before KM can be implemented. Active leadership also plays a key role in creating the environment needed to support effective KM. Human resources are the vital links that collect and handle the information.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2000
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Is quality free or profitable? A company's efforts to improve may bring both economic and external social benefit
Article Abstract:
It is important to recognize that quality improvement may have benefits that are not identified by the company in terms of higher sales or increased market share. Economists identify this as external social benefit. The level of quality that a company decides to pursue should not be based only on cost analysis. If external social benefit is included in the level of quality decision, there is a social economic justification for government attempts to boost quality.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2000
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