Category 6: quality and operational results
Article Abstract:
The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award employs criteria to help firms to improve their operations. The sixth of seventh categories for the award deals with quality and operational results. This category requires applicant to present an evaluation of various corporate results considered vital to customers. The sixth category provides a link between quality issues and customers which eventually leads to better quality system processes and practices. This category, however, does not include customer satisfaction.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1992
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Category 4: human resource development and management
Article Abstract:
Human resource development is paramount to an organization's pursuit of quality and performance goals. Emphasizing teamwork, employee empowerment instills a sense of dedication to the personnel. Furthermore, education and training programs which necessitate a follow-up of evaluation performance are effective in improving human resources. Recognition of a commendable performance in the form of bigger compensation is also desirable. Lastly, providing for the employees' safety and security needs greatly boost morale.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1992
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Breaking cultural barriers
Article Abstract:
Cultural diversity should be a primary consideration in company management. Non-verbal communication, as well as rules on gender and social class relationships are factors that transcend conventional office interaction. Tonal quality also hinders the smooth flow of communication. Making managers understand the underlying causes of communication breakdown and exposing them to the realities of a multicultural workplace can ameliorate the quality of company management.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 1992
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- Abstracts: Category 3: strategic quality planning. Why do health care practitioners resist quality management?
- Abstracts: Making quality a common cause: Bellcore's client companies benefit from applying quality technologies. Improving relationships improves quality
- Abstracts: Granite: the true stone of precision gaging. Gaging compressible materials. External thread gaging
- Abstracts: Qualicrats and hypocrites: a troubling status report from the front. People equity: the hidden driver of quality
- Abstracts: Small wonders. Using the Baldrige award criteria in college classrooms