Test ISO 9000:2000 understanding
Article Abstract:
The benefits of the International standardized testing organization (ISTO) test of understanding for ISO 9000:2000 in accessing training and in identifying the weaknesses of quality management system (QMS) are discussed. The test was developed as a result of the significant misunderstanding, misinterpretation and misuse of the 1994 versions of the ISO 9000 standards by many user groups.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2003
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Get your shop measurements right
Article Abstract:
Article examines what to do when problems with measurements happen on the shop floor. Accordingly, the first step practitioners should take is to go back to the basics of measurement rather than going out and getting new equipment.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2003
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A hunger for quality
Article Abstract:
A quality director feels that most of the companies resisted quality methods but relia bility and maintainability is an interesting job.
Publication Name: Quality Progress
Subject: Engineering and manufacturing industries
ISSN: 0033-524X
Year: 2004
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- Abstracts: At last - good training news. Training for quality. Learning desire
- Abstracts: The criteria: a looking glass to American's understanding of quality
- Abstracts: The law on reverse engineering. Let there be (a new kind of) light
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